Graduates and their impressions
Oliver Heisch
I can recommend the TRIAS Masterclass Coaching & Organizational Development without ifs and buts – the MC design requires experienced managers to incorporate a high level of self-awareness with a low level of structure
I particularly remember Ed Schein’s concepts of process consulting, organizational culture and unbiased questioning, including the live connection to Palo Alto. Using David Kantor’s systems approaches, I also had the opportunity to reflect on my own leadership history and link it to biographical aspects of my system of origin…very helpful!
Oliver Heisch | CEO
i.A. Group dynamics consultant for groups and teams
TRIAS Organizational Development
Business economist for social professions
Supervisor (DVG)
Gestalt therapist (DVG)
Browse through our alumni library
This section from the “Alumni” area brings a small selection of the several hundred diploma and certificate theses from 30 years and approx. 70 training groups in the DACH countries, also in cooperation with other institutes such as Man. Zentrum St. Gallen (Prof. Sonja Sackmann, UdBW Munich, 4 groups), Hochschule für Sozialarbeit Bern (Dr. Kummer, 5 groups) and the IEF Zurich (Susanne Quistorp, 4 groups), the Institute i.b.o. of Peter Visvader in Linz/Austria (with 5 groups). In cooperation with the University of Ljubljana and ANSE, Sonja Zorga and Alenka Kobelt trained various supervision groups in “Preferred Futuring” (5 groups) *_(Co-management: Dr. Sabina Schoefer, Dr. Sylvia Böcker, Brigitta Marti, Mouna Läderach and from 2023 Anne Fanenbruck)
The Trias Institute was a collective member of the BSO/DGSV and OEVS from 1997 to 2014. All degrees are recognized by the umbrella organizations. With the Trias Masterclass (starting in 2017, with Prof. Ed. Schein, M.I.T. Sloan School , M.I.T.) we have launched a program that is only for experienced managers and differs fundamentally from the usual basic training in coaching, supervision and organizational development through its international networking. Trias thus offers a USP (unique selling point) that is unique in the German-speaking world. The Scientific Advisory Board includes Kornelia Rappe-Giesecke and Michael Giesecke (until September 2023) and new members Edgar H. Schein as honorary member, Peter Schein, Barbara Kellerman, Wolfgang Weber and Sonja Sackmann. If you would like to read one of the many theses, please send an e-mail to our address and the authors will be contacted. Many of the theses have been presented in the magazine “Profile” in the NewComers section (by Dr. Sabina Schöfer)